The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

“The process of Intuitive Eating is a practice, which honors both physical and mental health. Intuitive Eating is aligned with Health at Every Size®, because the pursuit of intentional weight loss is a failed paradigm, which creates health problems: including weight stigma, weight cycling, and eating disorders. All bodies deserve dignity and respect.” – Evelyn Tribbole, MS, RD

The practice of Intuitive Eating is designed to work in two major ways:

  • To become more in tune with your body and its specific needs

  • By removing mental disruptors that prevent attunement with your body

    The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

  1. Reject the diet mentality. Following and listening to messages that suggest radical weight loss is effective for health benefits only prevents yourself from rediscovering Intuitive Eating and sustainable, long-term health benefits.

  2. Honor your hunger. Learning to honor your hunger is the first biological signal for refueling. It is the first step to trusting yourself and food.

  3. Make peace with food. Give yourself unconditional permission to eat and feed yourself faithfully.

  4. Challenge the Food Police. Creating food rules can lead to intense feelings of deprivation which can lead to uncontrollable cravings and overwhelming guilt.

  5. Respect your fullness. Slow down and check-in with your body halfway through your meal to feel for when you are no longer hungry. Try to feel for signs that show you’re comfortably full.

  6. Discover the satisfaction factor. The eating experience can be a basic gift of pleasure and satisfaction. Creating a comfortable and enjoyable environment can also add to satisfaction during mealtimes.

  7. Honor your feelings without food. Discover ways to nurture, soothe, and comfort yourself aside from food. When you’re feeling anxious, lonely, bored, depressed, or angry food won’t be able to fix these feelings in the long-term.

  8. Respect your body. Accept body diversity and recognize the beauty of us all having our own unique bodies.

  9. Engage in joyful movement. Shift your focus on how it feels to move your body and appreciate everything your body can do for you.

  10. Honor your health. Practice making food choices that honor your health and taste buds while also making you feel good. There is space for all foods in a healthy diet. It’s what you eat on a consistent basis over time that matters.

Vitality Nutrition LLC. Adapted from Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works, by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, and Elyse Resch, MS, RD. (


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