Health at Every Size (HAES®)

What is Health at Every Size?

Health at Every Size (HAES®) is a philosophy founded by Lindo Bacon that aims at finding peace with our own bodies.      

It refutes the assumption that people who are of “overweight” and “obese” status are unhealthier than leaner people

  • Many epidemiological studies indicate that people who are in the overweight or moderately obese categories live at least as long as people in the normal weight category.

  • Many factors other than weight gain play roles in significant health risks. Other factors that are involved in health status include: fitness, activity, nutrient intake, weight cycling, and socioeconomic status.

  • Weight cycling and weight loss can be associated with increases in the risk of premature death from certain diseases.

  • Weight loss is not the only way for “overweight” people to improve their health.

  • Other lifestyle changes such as managing blood sugar, blood lipid levels and hypertension are other major ways to improve health status regardless weight.

  • Disagrees with the notion of having ‘ideal bodies’ based on societal pressures that are most commonly perpetuated by diet books, fashion industry, certain food brands, weight loss programs, certain supplement makers, and drug companies.

Key Principles of HAES®

  1. Accept your size. Love and appreciate the body you have and all the things it can do for you. Self-acceptance empowers you to move on and make positive changes.

  2. Trust yourself. Listen to your body and what YOUR body needs. Support your own individual needs by honoring your body’s signals of hunger, fullness, and appetite.

  3. Adopt food habits that help nurture your social, emotional, and spiritual needs.

    • Partake in joyful movement in your everyday life.

    • Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and seek out pleasurable and satisfying foods.

    • Practice tailoring your taste buds to enjoy more nutritious foods and remind yourself that there is plenty of room for less nutritious choices in an overall healthy diet and lifestyle.

  4.  Embrace size diversity. We all come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Be open to the beauty of every body and support others in recognizing their unique attractiveness.


Want to learn more about how you can incorporate the principles of Health at Every Size in your life? Contact me or book an appointment!

Adapted from the Health at Every Size Manifesto (2010) by Lindo Bacon. Learn more about Health at Every Size at


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